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faq: frequently asked questions

Workers' Compensation (WC) FAQs

在本页,你可以找到有关劳工赔偿的常见问题的答案. 有关其他信息、资源和支持,请访问 Leave and Disability: Workers’ Compensation.

Download Workers’ Comp FAQs

1. What is Workers’ Compensation?


2. What do I do if I am injured at work?

Any work-related injury/illness, including needle sticks or exposures, must be reported to your supervisor. This includes any injury occurring on University premises, while on University assignment off University premises, 以及任何你认为可能是由你的大学工作引起的疾病.

3. 我向主管报告受伤/生病后会发生什么?

在口头向你的上司报告了这件事之后 employee incident report form (SMH115) must be completed immediately online. In the event of a life-threatening situation on-premises, 请拨打校园电话x13与公共安全部门联系 (585) 275-3333.

4. 如果我本来没有寻求治疗的伤害/疾病,然后需要去看医生?

如果需要医疗,你必须联系休假管理部门 (585) 275-5978 or (585) 276-5131. 他们将向我们的第三方管理员(TPA)提供更新的信息,以便发出索赔号. A new Incident Report does not need to be completed.

请注意:如果你的伤势超过8周,你没有寻求治疗, 你可能很难找到愿意接受你作为病人的医生.

5. Where can I go for treatment for a work-related injury?

你可以去找任何接受工伤赔偿的医疗机构. View a partial list of providers in this PDF.

6. 我需要向主治医生提供什么信息吗?

Yes, the treating physician will ask for the claim number, insurance company name, address, and phone number.

7. 我从哪里得到主治医生需要的信息?

You may contact Leave Administration at (585) 275-5978 or (585) 276-5131.

8. 我如何支付与这次受伤/疾病相关的账单?

Once a claim number is issued, the bills associated with this claim will be sent to the Third Party Administrator (TPA) for processing and payment; therefore, 如果需要治疗,请务必通知休假管理处.

9. 如果我有一个公开的索赔,我的法定名称改变了,我该怎么办?

Notify Leave Administration at (585) 275-5978 or (585) 276-5131, and notify your TPA claims adjuster at (800) 635-1550.

10. 如果我因工伤/疾病而失去工作时间,如何支付我的工资?

Under New York State regulations, 缺勤满8天才算伤残. 因此,第一周的缺勤是由你自己的时间(PTO, Sick, Vacation)来弥补的。. If you have supplemental time available, 一旦申请获得批准,休假管理部门将用补充时间代替第一周.

Beginning on the 8th calendar day, 因工伤/疾病而失去工作时间的员工有资格获得最多员工平均每周工资的2/3(基于工伤日期之前52周的工资),直至最高每周福利(NYSAWW*)。. 这些每周津贴由纽约州工人赔偿委员会确定,并视残疾程度而定, cap, and other modifications.

从第8个日历日开始的损失时间将由TPA支付. You may want to use your personal time (supplemental, PTO, 休假)补发其余未支付的1/3.


11. When will I receive this payment?

Generally, you should receive payment within three weeks, 只要TPA收到了所有支持索赔的医疗文件.

12. Do my benefits continue while on Workers’ Compensation?

Yes, 您的福利将继续,您将需要支付正常的保费份额(可能适用单独计费)。. 重要的是要注意,假期不累积,假期工资不发放,而你是在工人赔偿.

13. 当我的主治医生让我回去工作时,我需要做什么?

If you are returning to work full duty, 联系你的主管,并让你的医生传真给休假管理局,电话:(585)235-6703.

如果你有身体上的限制或时间上的限制, you must contact the Return to Work Manager at (585) 276-5136, as well as your supervisor. The Return to Work Manager will work with you, your supervisor, 以及你的医疗服务提供者(如有必要),以确保安全返回工作岗位.

14. Once I return to work, do I need to do anything else?

是的,如果您需要限制或额外的损失时间,您必须提供医疗更新. 这些医疗更新/笔记需要在每次医疗访问后传真给休假管理工人补偿小组(585)235-6703.

15. When at work, how do I get paid when I have a physical therapy, 因为受伤,我要去看医生或者预约脊椎按摩师?

根据纽约州工人补偿委员会的规定,你必须利用自己的时间(上班、病假、休假)。. 如果访问证明提交给休假管理,如果适用,可能会使用补充时间.

16. 如果听证会被安排在工人赔偿委员会, how will I get paid for the time I am away from work?


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